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Nutrition, health of body and well-being of mind. Ossigeno 3 features art and recipes of forager chef Valeria Mosca, the latest movements of the ColletivO CineticO and takes a closer look at human beings and science with discussions about frequency and quantum physics.

Capitan Bananas Game

The aim of the game is to complete the course of 63 squares by passing the tests the players are set on each card. The winner is the competitor who crosses the finishing line first by climbing on the spacecraft that will lead him/her to Planet Cibosano.


The book “Fermentino” came into being with the aim of bringing order and scientific validation to a new product called fermentino, made of a few simple ingredients, which is the answer of Italian gastronomic tradition to the growing demand for natural foods of vegetable origin.


Fermentation, a natural process of processing and preserving food. With this, Ossigeno 2 opens its investigations into food and wellness, by exploring, together with the art of chef Daniela Cicioni, the byways of this ancient path of gastronomy.


Ossigeno - Elements of life is a series of editorials in instalments. Its specific mission: to accompany the ongoing change in eating habits with what one might define as a practical and cultural guide.


This book sets out the reasons for the need for a new kind of awareness about nutrition and illustrates its point of view through the stories of ordinary people who show that changing eating habits is much simpler than imagined.

La Nuova Farmacia

The magazine provides original research and in-depth information on the world of pharmacies. Aimed at pharmacists, it deals with the key issues of the sector and offers market analysis and practical solutions to help professionals.

Capitan Bananas

With two paper magazines distributed as an attachment to NoccioLine, and four digital publications downloadable from the website, Capitan Bananas e il Pianeta Cibosano (“Capitan Bananas and the Cibosano Planet”) is a comic about super heroes and distant galaxies, which provides entertainment and amusement while putting across its message: healthy eating helps you to grow and feel good.


Since the spring of 2012, NoccioLine magazine has been circulated half-yearly to every paediatric clinic and nutritionist office in Italy. NoccioLine is a collection of travel stories and short, in-depth articles on nutrition.
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